Our flight to San Fransico was good. Take off for me is always a little rough, but it only took a few tears and I was fine. The flight was uneventful, which I guess is what you want for a flight.
The 3 gentleman that we met on the flight. They sure were smooth talkers......
Our baby booze bottles
Here's to us girls, and to a good trip!!
The view from the Sir Francsis Drake, 18th floor.
The carousel down at Fisherman's Wharf
My drink at the Sea Lion Cafe.

Apparently it's the Sea Lions 20th Birthday!!
Sun bathing sea lions.... must be the life.
Alcatraz as seen from Pier 39.
Love this!! Maybe we'll hang it Jack's room?
This one's for you Judy H!! Didn't make it for the coffee, but got a pic just for you!
At Ghiradelli square, there is a fountain of mermaids and I thought this was approperiate for our trip and confrence.

Ghirardelli ice cream.....YUM!!
We had soooo much fun riding the cable cars!! It was an amazing feeling hanging off the side.....

The first day of the confrence. Stef, Jaime, and me.
Hillary and Sarah
After the first day of the confrence, we went to Chinatown for shopping and dinner.
Very nice, Sarah.

This was the best dinner that we had, and also the cheapest. It was soooo good.
After Chinatown, I realized that I lost my wallet some where along the way. When we located it where we had lunch that day, we went out to the Mexican bar to celebrate. We met Matt there who recommended the drag club we went to. Thanks Matt!! Your F%CKING awesome!!
More drinking, suprise.....

After the confrence on the 2nd day, we went out to the Drag Show. After all, we were in San Fransisco.
The mandirin cosmo was yummy!

Filet Mignon was sooooo good and the Korean BBQ dipping sauce was to die for.
Tita was one of our our waitress' and also performed during the show.
After the other girls left to go back to the airport, Stef and I venture ont he city bus down to Haight and Ashbury to take some pictures, and get a few tshirts. Traveling on the bus was interesting, but we made it uninjuried.

This house was in the Haight Ashbury neighborhood. It is the most colorful house I've ever seen.

After coming home from Haight and Ashbury, we sat in Union square to rest. We met a homeless, toothless man named Steve that entertained us for about 45mins. After that, we headed to the airport a little early. We picked up some "smut" magazines that we shared on the ride home. Ot made the flight go sooo much faster. I wish that we could have stayed longer, but was very glas to be home in my own bed and to see my family.
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