Happy Mother's day to one and all!! I hope that this post finds you all well. Not so in my household..... My mother's day started with Jack vomiting at 2am. Gotta love the irony. Celebrate your day with vomit and diahrrea!! Wooo hoo!! Motherhood.
I haven't posted much in recent days.... We've had a lot of doctor's appointments lately and with work, and my daily pain, I've been pretty wiped out.
Being such a nice day yesterday, Mike wanted to take the boat out on the water and test the motor. We had my niece, Quinlan with us so Mike, Jack, Quinlan and I went out on Spanaway lake and burned some gas. I think it was the happiest day that Mike has had in a long time.

Here's a few pictures from the day....

All in all it was a pretty good day. Hope that eveyone was able to enjot the sunshine like we did. :)