Most of you know that since Jack was born, I have been struggling with a lot of pain, fatigue, and a mirad of other annoying things. Most recently it's been the headache that never ended, palpatations that caoused chest pain, and so much pain that I had trouble just getting around. After seeing doctors that had no explanation (sooooo annoying) and offer help that wasn't helping, Mike and I deceided that I should try acupuncture. I've seen Mike, my acupuncturist twice now and there really has been an improvement. I haven't needed my pain meds for about 3 days now and that was something I couldn't even fathom 2 weeks ago. I just finished my second appointment and I'm finally hopeful that the pain might go away completely. I still have pain but it's much less severe and widespread. I'm taking hebs that I have NO idea what they are. I'd need a trasnlator to just to pronounce the name of them. You have to take a LOT of them in one day, but it's worth it to me if I feel better. They are pretty easy to take. I can take 36 of the herbs at a time which is one dose (they look like little pelletss for a BB gun). I take them twice a day because I never can seem to take them three time a day. I took a few pictures of the session because I thought it looked pretty cool. The needles are really fine and some times I can't even feel them go in. Other times, I feel them. Mike (my acupuncturist) says thats because I havve more blocked energy there. He says that it's good when the points throb. That means it's working well...... The overall pain of the treatment is nothing compared to the pain I was in everyday of my life. I'll take acupuncture over that pain any time. I do find it humorous when he talks about my liver Qi (pronounced chee) being too over active and my yin and yang. Some times I just raise my eyebrows and shrug my sholders. He seems to know what he's doing. As long as it's working, I'll let him try to balance my Qi. Most of the needles that I have placed are in my lower legs and in my lower arms. Mike says that is because in Western medicine, you have more nerve endings from your elbow to your hand (and also your knee to you foot) than you do in your entire body. It's similar in Chinesse medicine. there are more points on my meridians (little chuckle) in the same areas. I took some pictures of my legs with the needles placed. I would take pictures of my arms but it's hard to take pictures with needles in your hands....

don't mind the cellulite....

The needles are hard to see but I do have one on my right foot. See if you can find it.
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