Monday, January 17, 2011

JacK's FiRsT DaY of ScHooL!!

Many more tears were shed by Momma today than anyone else in the family. Jack starts his first day of school today. I can't believe how time flies. Seems like yesterday he was just a baby. He still is a baby but has grown into such a little boy. I feel like we've hit a milestone today. Jack has a cubby, he has teachers, and he's going to make a lot of friends. He is growing up so fast and there isn't anything I can do to stop it. I'm not sure that I would want to, but there is always a part of you that wishes they would stay little forever.

Momma loves you, Bubba. Have fun at school.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

MONSTER TRUCKS and a dude rocking an awesome mullett!!

This last weekend, we went to Monster Jam 2011. Monster trucks and dirt. Jack was in heaven. He was being a pistol before hand because of a late night up and a short nap before the show, but as soon as her eard those engines, he had a huge smile on his face. Maybe it was the exhaust fumes, or maybe sheer happiness, I'm not too sure. We definetly should have bought an extra seat for him, but for the most part he sat in Mike's lap.

Mike in the spirit of things....

We had awesome seats this year. We were sitting right behind Iron Outlaw and Bountyhunter about 3 rows back. It made for some great pictures. At least with Momma's skillful picture taking, of course.....

Once we sat down and had to stay put Jack got a little antsy, especially when there was a longer time inbetween cars. He tried to climb away a few times but Mike managed to keep him in line with food and candy.

We met the Perez family there. We've kind of made it tradition. We always have fun hanging out with Ron, Crystal and the kids.

Just before intermission, there was a tank that came out that was essencially a transformer. The head and arms folded out of the top of the tank and proceeded to breathe fire and eat a car. Jack called him a dragon. He didn't seem too scared but was definetly watching the scene with a questioning eye.....

The drivers put on an awesome show for us. We saw 4 trucks flip and Grave Digger the Legend rolled the truck over and actually saved it during the freestyle event. He won the competition. All in all it was a great event.

AND the moment you've all been waiting for......BLEACHED BLONDE MULLETT!!!

Now I like Ron, but he's not usually the subject of most of my pictures. In this instance, we needed a picture.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

An Irish Blessing

Lucky stars above you,
Sunshine on your way,
Many friends to love you,
Joy in work and play
Laughter to outweigh each care,
In your heart a song
And gladness waiting everywhere
All your whole life long!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A new year brings new excitement for the Lowmon clan!

HaPpY NeW YeAr FrOm My FaMiLy To YoUrS!!
Hoping that the next year brings all that your heart desires.

Mike and I have been working on getting Jack's room cleaned out of all his clutter. We sorted through all his clothes and took out the stuff that doesn't fit any more. Next, we are moving on to his toys, once he is ASLEEP, and we are going to go through and put away all the toys that he has outgrown. (Yes, we are still keeping everything for when we have the next one...) I'm hoping that trasition goes smoothly.... My resolutions this year are 1) to be more organized and cleaner and 2) to spend less money. We shall see how things go. Mike is pretty happy about my resolutions so I'm sure that he will keep me to them....