Ryan wasn’t a big fan of our singing. As a matter of fact, it upset him a lot. He was better after we finished singing and Jack helped him blow out his candle. We really didn’t sound that bad….. at least I don’t think we did.

This picture is Chase who is Crystal's sister, Heather's 10 month old son. Yes,.... he's only 10 months.
Seeing this picture, and knowing both boys fathers, Crystal and I know that we are in for it with these 2 guys. We have a feeling they are going to be just like their Daddys.......
Jack loved the bounce house. He was a little afraid of the slide. He was okay going down with someone, but he wouldn’t go down by himself. I think he was the only one, though. Ryan even went down by himself!!
Hope you had a great time Little Buddy, because we did!!