It's early morning in the Lowmon household. Really early. Insomnia struck again. It am starting to think that my body knows when I need quiet time to do things so it wakes me up early..... Its about 5:45 am. Exactly 3 years ago right now, Dr Hitchcock came in and asked me if I was ready to meet my little boy. I was more than ready. A short hour later, a bouncing baby boy was delivered weighing in at 8lbs 6oz. It changed my life forever but I wouldn't have it any other way. It's been a long 3 years that has gone by so fast. He's growing up as they all do, but I still can't believe it. 3 years. Where does the time go? Yesterday I was feeding him a bottle. Yesterday, I was watching him croll over fot he first time. Yesterday, he was just a wobbley toddler, and now he wants to run everywhere. I guess it wasn't yesterday, but it feels like it. My baby isn't a baby any more.

There is a great big world out there, Jack and Momma knows that you're going to capture it. Just remember, you'll always be my baby.

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