We bought Jack an easel a little while ago and he uses it, and likes it to color on but the main reason that I wanted to buy one was so that he could paint without sitting at our table. He has a tendency to get paint on alot of things so I thought if he was standing, away from most stuff, less things would get painted. We have had the easel for some time now and I haven't had him paint yet, so I thought that today woud be as good a day as any. Jack painted for the first time on his easel. He really loved it. He kept saying the color as he painted them. I really think that this kid is smart, but I guess every Mom thinks that about her kid..... He made 3 works of art. 2 on paper, and one on himself. Needless to say, he got a shower after he was finished.
One of Jack's paper works of art.....

Jack's SELF work of art.......

The proud artist with his popicle....(it's hard work being an artisit, you know....)

No matter how much you tell your child paint doesn't taste good, they will always taste it.
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