Tis the season for Easter and as I sit here on my computer today, the Bunny has come and gone. The goodies he brought with him are scattered around my living room. Jack had a pretty good time. I wish that I had planned things out a little bit more, but with all the extra time I'm putting in at work, it sort of slipped my mind. Daddy was there to save the day. He went out and bought an Easter basket and a toy for Jack. The basket was cheaper than cheap....I think next year we will make our own. Mr Bunny did make a very good purchase in the talking Scoop machine he picked up. He's one of Bob the builder's machine and Jack does love Bob. Scoop moves, talks, and even sings. Jack was VERY excited when he saw him.
Happy Easter!!
He was saysing 'Ohhhh, Scoop...'
A boy and his machine....

Last weekeknd, we took Jack to Wilcox farms to an Easter egg hunt there. I was working extra that weekend, of course, so I wasn't in best of moods. We did manage to have some fun while we were there, though. The egg hunt was at 1pm so Jack didn't get his nap in before we went. That made for a bad combo. Between me being tired, and Jack being unruly we didn't spend too much time there. The Perez family did travel all the way from Gig Harbor to come see us and participate in the festiviites. We unfortunately didn't get a chance to visit too long because my fuse was short and Jack seemed to lit it upon arrival.... Shortly after the egg hunt, we left for home (Sorry, Crystal). I always have an internal struggle between not letting working nights get in the way of life, and paying for it later... or even during the event. I refuse to put Jack's life on hold because I have to work nights. Okay, enough of my rambling, I'm sure all you want is to see picutres, so here they are.

Jack had this real fascination with the Wilcox chicken (above). I guess this is Stand-off #2. Jack would just run up to him and stare. He gave him 1 or 2 high 5's with prompting but when he ran up to the chicken he would just stand there with a confused look on his face. I'm sure he didn't know what to think about a human sized chicken. We had to pull Jack away eventually, but still kept looking back at him.
The Egg hunt was supposed to start at 1pm but apparently there was a delay because it didn't start until 1:15pm. You wouldn't think 15minutes would be that long to wait but for a tired and unruly toddler, and a tired Momma, we were got pretty irritated that it didn't start on time. Eventually thry sounded the bell and Jack went hunting for his eggs. He got a lot of candy, which he was happy about.... not so much for Momma and Daddy, but what can you do. Tis the season....
and waiting....

and more waiting....
Watch out eggs.... Here he comes!!
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