Wednesday, June 23, 2010

It's been an awful long time.....

Haven't updated my blog in awhile due to some overtime that I have been working. Our sister hospital went live with the computer system that we have been using for about 2 years. I volunteered to go over and help out when they finally switched over to mostly computer charting. All in all it went very well and I had a good amount of overtime to show for it.

So what have we been up to.....well not too much until more recently. Mike and I took Mike to the Zoo on one of the very few hot days at the June. We had a good time. I wanted to go to see the new snow leopard cubs, but they weren't been too social this particular day. Yep, that's them sitting up on top of their inclosure. Not much of a view....

None the less it was a good day. Jack got to play outside in the water, groom the goats, and hang over the aquarium to see all the fish (and made Momma very nervous). We didn't make it to see the polar bears this trip because someone was getting pretty grumpy without his nap..... No, I didn't mean Mike. hahaha Here are a few of the pictures that I was able to snap while he was holding semi still.

It's amazing that such small little hands hold my heart each and everyday.

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