Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Wheat free is for the birds!!

So as many of you know, I was diagnosed with Celiac disease in Nov and have been on a wheat free diet since around Thanksgiving. My major symptom was pain, all over and to the point I needed pain medication to function. When I went wheat-free just before Thanksgiving, I had almost no pain and was feeling great. Now, not even 3 months later, I'm starting to feel like my old self, which is not good. I've been VERY religious about keeping out foods that contain wheat and limiting my diet to gluten free things but to no avail, the pain has come back. So after talking with Mike, we decided to start me back on wheat and see how I feel. Last night we had Papa Murphy's pizza. Wheat, of how I've missed you so..... It was the most delicious pizza I have ever tasted and today, the pain isn't any worse than it was on the wheat free diet. So right now, I'm not sure what to do. Should I keep with the wheat-free and see if the pain gets worse, or stay on wheat and see if the pain gets worse? My other problem is the fact that Mike's insurance is going to run out soon and we can't really afford a bunch of medical bills because my insurance SUCKS. You'd think that a hospital would give their health care workers good benefits, but no. Sorry. Apparently we are just supposed to never get sick or have any medical problems at all. Yeah, nice try!! With all of the stress of Mike being out of work and sick, insurance changes, and money worries, maybe it's stress that's making things worse. Who knows. Nothing ever shows up on my blood work so maybe I'm just crazy. Isn't there a pill for that? Oh yeah, I tried it and it didn't work. I just hope I can find an answer soon. If not, I'll be drivin' the crazy train right along side Mike. We sure are 2 peas in a pod.

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