Mike was the designated driver because I worked 12 hours the night before/morning of. My attempt to go home early was in vain because at 6:30 am when we had 5 people on the verge of delivery and no one free we were crossing our finger that no one delivered until the reinforcements of day shift came. I was there an extra hour charting..... so much for trying to at least get out on time. I got home, got cleaned up, and then we left. I was asleep within 20 minutes. The drive there and back was uneventful...at least that's what Mike tells me. We got there in time to visit and spent most of the day there. Jack had a shorter than normal nap in the car. He fell asleep about 10 minutes before we were at Grandma and Grandpa's house, so we drove around Bellingham a little to extend the nap, but it wasn't really much longer than 30 minutes. We had planned on going to Louie's restaurant for dinner, but Jack wasn't in a good enough mood. We decided to take a rain check on dinner and head home a little early. Although we love Louie's restaurant and the food, I didn't have enough energy to fight with Jack to keep him happy. These are a few pictures from the party. I would have taken more, but narcolepsy took over shortly after opening presents and eating cake. Jack did enjoy both his presents very much. We're sorry that we missed the Walton family but understand about the long trip home and being worn out from traveling. I have a lot of sympathy for being exhausted. Shout out to Uncle Monty's team, though. They took 2nd place in the state championship!! Great job!
Jack loves it when he is sung to and having 'Happy Birthday' sung to him is no exception. He was too excited about diving into those cupcakes.....
Great Grandma Glen helping Jack with his cupcake. (Mike's grandma)
Jack, tearing into yet another present......
Jack got a Firemans helmet with speaker, which he thinks is hilarious and a Webkin Pug that just might rival Barkley.....well almost.
Grandam Glen had a display of beautiful carnations on the table and Jack now has a facination with "sniffing" flowers. He doesn't actually sniff the flowers. He blows through his nose. It makes the same noise so he thinks he's doing it right. Here, he decided that everyone else should smell the flowers, too.
My little picture poser......Say Cheese!!
We had a wonderful time as always and wish that we could have stayed longer. Love you all!!
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