So it's official. Jack is a little giant. He's been big from the get go and has continued his trend during yet another doctor's visit. Jack weighs in at a whopping 31 pounds and is almost 30 inches tall. He is in the 98% for his weight. No doubt there, I've been buying the clothes to prove it. He's 82% for height. I thought his pants were getting shorter. His head is at the 90%, also. That's not from my gene pool, I'll have you know. Jack has Daddy to thank for that one. He's just a little giant, proportionate but giant. I have noticed that Mr. Jack has been more crabby than normal and has been crying out a lot in his sleep. Poor thing. At the rate he's growing I'd be crying, too. He's grown about 10 inches in a year and a half. No wonder he eats like he does. All in all every thing looks good. He's developmentally appropriate for his age (I think he's pretty smart, myself) and is obviously growing well. We got the thumbs up from Dr Ayer and will see him when Jack is 2 years old. Wow, where has the time gone. Jack will be turning 2. They grow up so fast, especially Jack. He hardly seems like a baby any more. He's talking so much more and now we can even understand it!! Holly and I are working with him to teach him sign language also. He's doing pretty well so far. He can sign drink, eat, more, please, and help. He's saying more and more and the words are getting clearer. With the way he babbled, I knew he was talking to me, I just couldn't understand what he was saying. Now it's nice because you catch words that you can finally understand!!
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