Monday, November 30, 2009

Just another doctors' appointment....

For those of you who know and those who don't, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in January. The symptoms that I am having got very intense about 6 weeks after having Jack. I went to see my primary doctor at the time and was referred to a Rheumatologist and was diagnosed by him. I have since had a hard time managing my symptoms and have tried many medications to help deal with the pain and fatigue that I feel everyday. After a year of trying to manage my symptoms with the help of a primary doctor, I decided to go back to see Dr Jensen. During my many doctors appointment before today, I was tested for lots of different things. One of those diseases that they did test me for was celiac disease. I had a biopsy of my small intestine that was normal but they did blood work just to be sure. I was positive for one of the four antibodies. My primary doctor didn't think it was too important since the biopsy was negative and that with all of my symptoms, my abdominal problems were the least of my worries. After taking with Dr Jensen, apparently people who are allergic to wheat (those who have celiac disease) can develop an inflammatory arthritis from it that manifests in joint pain, stiffness, fatigue, and generalized pain. Let me see... Yes, yes, yes, and uhhh yes. I wonder why it took this long for anyone to realize that those 2 sets of problems could be connected. Since my diagnosis of fibromyalgia in January, I have read several books and have started to accept that I will have pain and fatigue everyday for the rest of my life. Now, could it be that this isn't something that I have to suffer from? Can it be treated better than throwing pain meds at it? So, my plan is that I'm going on a strict diet and cutting out anything that contains wheat or gluten......after the holidays, that is. Cutting out wheat is harder than you think. My co-worker's husband went on the same diet and it wasn't easy. Wheat is in things that you wouldn't even think of like cream of mushroom soup. I would have to give up green bean casserole!! I'm not sure life would be worth living then. -sigh- Here's to one last holiday with my favorite side dish. I'm going to miss you.

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