I love Mike just as much as I ever have. He is becoming a wonderful father and I love him so much for that. I don't know what things will be like if he gets to go back to work. Jack will be at a loss without his Daddy around all the time. He freaks out if he's out of his sight now.

With the start of actual summer weather, we decided to break out the slip-n-slide that we bought Jack hoping that the weather would eventually get better. :) I wasn't sure for awhile if it would.... He had a great time with it. He didn't actually slide on it, although he did fall down once or twice. He just jumped over, and tried to drink the water spray. He also had fun jumping in the puddles on the slide part. We played outside until it was time to eat dinner. He wasn't happy about going inside, but he got over it as toddlers do. We made the most of the "first day of summer".
Today, Mike and I decided to celebrate our anniversary day with a trip to the beach. It seemed fitting since that is where we went on our honeymoon. That and the fact that it was supposed to be like 90 degrees. We both thought that a little ocean breeze wouldn't be a bad idea. Jack had a BLAST!! All he wanted to do was run in the water. I think that I followed him for like a mile. Daddy tried to help him buld a sand castle, but all Jack wanted to do was destroy anything that Mike built. There a toddler for you.... We all had a great time and all got a little sun burned. After Mike had all the sun he could, we went for a drive to see if any houses were for sale. Maybe one day we will be able to retire to the ocean. At least one can hope, right? Then, we went to an Irish pub in town (apprently they are popping up all over the place) and had a very nice early dinner. I tried Guiness for the very first and probably last time. They mixed it with a hard cider, so that made it tolerable. It wasn't too bad, but I don't think that it will be my new beer of choice. I guess that I'd fail as an Irishman..... We are now sitting at home unwinding from the day. I'm on the computer blogging and Mike is watching a little TV. I'm sure he'd be on Craigslist if he could be but I called the computer first!! :) Well I should go nurse my sunburn, and his for that matter. Here are a few pics to enjoy.

Happy Anniversary my dear. Here's to many more......
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