A lot of you may know that I attended my very first black tie charity event this month. It was for the Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium here in Tacoma. They essentially throw a party once a year at the zoo with food and beverages (mostly alcoholic). Aside from the food and drinks, they also set up stages throughout the zoo for bands/DJs. The festivities started at 7:30pm and go until 1am. I went with a group of co-workers and had an absolutely GREAT time. I think that it was the very start of what will be a LONG tradition of attending this particular event. The girls that I went with KNOW how to party so we get along pretty well. Needless to say that most of us closed down the evening at 1am. The weather was great. Sunny in the begining and then cooled down. I was drinking and had a wrap so I didn't get cold, but some of my girlfriends did so they took off early. What was nice for the men, was that “black tie” wasn’t as black tie as one would have thought. Most of the women were in cocktail dresses but most of the men were in some form of hybrid tux/sport jacket with shorts combo. It was pretty interesting. We caught a taxi to a co-workers house and camped out there for the night. All in all it was a great night, at least what I can remember of it. I found the Jameson Whiskey tent and the night started to get fuzzy after that. I remember most parts and I’m sure my girls would have told me if I had dome anything really weird. I'm hoping that I can get Mike to go with us next year. I guess that I have a whole year to convince him…..

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