: ) So while I had the time, I thought that I would put up new pictures of our Christmas adventure so far.
Jack's Christmas present this year was a train table and set. Mike and I had a lot of fun putting together the track and setting up the scenes on the table. I had to take a picture because I KNOW it will never look this cute again....
This is Jack on psuedo-Christmas morning. We are going to be lots of places near Christmas time, and we had set the table up already so he got his Christmas present a little early. I think Mike was as happy to get the train set as Jack was......
Boys and their toys.

After the very nice dinner out with Carol and Doug, (where I was a ding-dong and forgot that I had the camera with me) Mike and I stopped by my auntie Linda's house to visit with her and my uncle Tom. When she gave Jack his present, I had a light bulb moment that I HAD packed the camera and apparently it got shoved into the deepest depths of my purse. I love that bag because it eliminated the need for a diaper bag, but come ON! It hid a large camera. It's like freakin' Mary Poppins with this bag. The first picture I posted is of Jack helping Linda clean the magnets off of her fridge. He's very helpful, albeit not always in the most helpful way.... The second picture is my auntie Linda lovin' on her some of Jack. He protests some, but gives in eventually because he know she relentless until she gets her way. (I know Uncle Tom would agree with me on that one!) As Jack explored my auntie's house he came across an old light up chapel that was my great grandmother's before she passed away. To me, it's amazing to see things like that. They have so much character and heritage. Jack was VERY interested in it, and I was VERY scared that he would break it. After through inspection, he was satisfied and thought that it should be turned off. He kept pointing to it and saying 'Off, off!' It's good to know that he will be trying to save me electricity when he grows up. : )

PS ~ Who knew that Mike was a Christmas ornament?

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